ExWeb is a framework designed to both extract data from Exchequer and Import data to Exchequer. It is easily customisable so that data can be extracted, manipulated and pushed to either Exchequer or any other database system.
Unlike any other product it is a fully functional task managed scheduler that executes task threads to process data at lightening speeds.
Tests have shown that 200 orders can be input into Exchequer in 15 seconds.
There are no text files or xml or temporary documents to worry about. As long as there is a network connection between web server and data server the system works. When connectivity is lost the orders queued up on the web server and are down loaded on the next polling.
Exchequer Dynamics Limited
Units 20-21 Somerford Business Park
BH23 3RU
United Kingdom
Sales Tel 0845 5194 487
Technical 01933 429 800